Friday, December 12, 2008

posted by Sara at

Al Rai TV + Madagascar 2

While visiting a relative, the TV in the living room was on a certain channel called (Al Rai), which is arabic for (opinion). I hardly watch any television these days, but this channel intrigued me. The show that was on played home made videos of Iraqis bombing and killing American soldiers with the the Hajj Prayer recital in the background. The volume was low, so I wasn't sure if it was the Hajj Prayer in the background. At one point when the flow of conversation in the living died down I realized it in fact was.

What's the Hajj Recital doing as background noise during all this killing? Why is it being glorified and being made to seem such an islamic thing to do? Isn't it the same thing as, for example, when verses from the Quran is used in the background of a song?

I really did not like it.


Eid was wonderful =) Spending it with my family, waking up to a grand breakfast, being yelled at for being the last one in the car (as usual) and visiting loads of houses and getting loads of money. I haven't seen some relatives for nearly three years, and naturally some did not recognize me until my Mother pointed me out to them.

Best thing was the evening which was spent with cousins at the movies followed with dinner. We took the little kids with us to the cinema as well to watch Madagascar 2. I loved it more than part 1. Really funny, so much sarcasm and funny moments. Damn those Penguins are AWESOME!

Here's my favourite part from the movie, loved the dance and the song. At the end of these scene a bunch of people in the theatre started clapping. That kinda made me silently snort with laughter.

Sorry about bad quality of the video. The song is called (Alex on the Spot) or (The Travelling Song) by Will.I.Am.

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