Monday, April 13, 2009

posted by Sara at

Where Am I?

It's a real busy year, what with my honours project as well as 3 papers in one semester, plus I've got a new website project I want to start working on. So I wont be updating here too much, but will be continously updating my twitter, which has kinda become my mini blog for now.

Wondering where I'm at? Am right HERE

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Monday, April 6, 2009

posted by Sara at

Guitar Tree Revamp

I am starting out a new project of revamping all my old artwork. I love the old stuff and will not discard them ever, since they were what made me realize I can actually draw pretty good lol. But I wanna patch them up, make them look better. First in line was Guitar Tree, which I drew about a year ago. The first image is the original piece, and the second is the revamped one.

I dunno how it is with other people, but when I listen to music, like really really really good music, it kinda sends me into a trance. Whatever I am doing I will stop, and I will close my eyes and just listen. I would see images, like mountains or streams, or even colors depending on the tone and lyrics of the music/song. That's why I decided to add lots of color to this piece, since it conveys my feelings towards music.

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Friday, April 3, 2009

posted by Sara at


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Spent the better part of my day today drawing out a poster of one my fav comics: Hack/Slash. I really wanted a poster of the comic to stick to my room's wall and decided to create my own one lol.

Click on images for larger to see more detail and stuff.

Here's the 10 minute-ish sketch that I scanned into photoshop

Here's my take on Cassie Hack

Here's my take on Vlad

And here's the final poster

Am still pretty bad at drawing the background ._. Really need to improve on that. But am really happy and proud with the end product =D

Can't wait to print it and hang it up yay!

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

posted by Sara at

Darth Vader

Oh God xD I am literally choking from laughter xD

BRILLIANT! ahahaha

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