Monday, July 21, 2008

posted by Sara at

Unsuspected photo taker

I was sitting in class today. during COMP325, G next to me, minding my own business and drawing. About 15 mins into the lecture, this guy enters with an AWESOME Nightmare Before Christmas beanie (NBC is one of my fav movies ever =P). So my mind makes note of that, then I simply go back to my drawing. Suddenly I feel this shadow looming over me, and look up to see awesome beanie dude moving in to sit next to me. I had put my bag leaning on the seat next to me, assuming no one would occupy it. So yeah, it falls over and my phone and bank card clutters to the ground xD

We both mumble a "sorry" as he picks up my stuff and hands them over and I move my bag to the other side of me, next to G's bag, and then just continue with my drawing. For some strange reason, I notice that drawing during lectures helps me to concentrate more on what is being said by the Lecturer. Human-computer interactions (otherwise known as COMP325) is a pretty dull paper. It encapsulate concepts such as making software as user friendly as possible, and catering to all the demands that it is being made for. The Lecturer spent a whole 20 mins telling us about her experience of lurking in music stores and watching people's behaviour when they shop for music CDs. Seriously, how creepy is that? Seeing a lady watching you as you go through a selection of CDs and taking notes of every little thing you do xD Apprently this was done a few years back, before the birth of Itunes and Winamp, as a means of looking into building an efficient digital music library. We're also gonna be doing stuff like that throughout the course apparently, watching people in the enviroment our concept software will be most used in.

At the end of the lecture as everyone starts walking out, awesome beanie dude gives a little cough and asks if he could possibly take a photo of my drawing xD He does, and says something like he really really likes the patterns. I smile, go thank you, and out he goes lol. I start packing away my stuff then G goes "You know he had his phone out through the whole lecture and was probably taking pictures of you drawing ... "


I go "No way!" coz I didn't even feel a thing! She tells me that he wasnt recording my profile, but just my hands as I worked on the drawing. Honestly, didn't know what to make of the situation, except that I felt pretty flattered that some dude liked my drawing so much (probably gonna copy it or something now xD) I've seen awesome beanie dude around uni seveal times, with a huge camera in his arms. I think he's a movie maker or something similar to that.

Uploaded a pic of the unfinished drawing ..

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually beanie dude said:

"Can i take a photo??
I totally dig this."



July 23, 2008 at 1:51 AM  
Blogger Sara said...

He did?

Wow .. how come you remember?

July 23, 2008 at 2:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cos it was the first time i hear someone in NZ say that.



July 23, 2008 at 2:16 AM  
Blogger Sara said...

He's American!

July 23, 2008 at 3:38 AM  

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