Sunday, March 9, 2008

posted by Sara at

A bet...

I seem to have somehow landed myself in a bet.

While out with my friend G yesterday, we started arguing about how I am late for everything, and it twisted into a bet where we shook hands on totally ignoring each other for the next week at uni. (o_O) No txting, no chatting on the net, no hanging out at all. If we do bump into each other we'll just say hi, but not allowed to smile (don't ask me, G's condition...I mean, what the hell?). The loser will have to pay the other 15 dollars worth of food at uni, that can be distributed as the winner pleases. I have the stubborn determinity to win this bet, or atleast outlast it. I think my main problem is not trying to survive without my bestfriend for one week, but the fact that I'll forget about the bet and will go sit next to her as I usually do. G reminded me about the bet today, and a good thing she did too, coz I totally forgot about it. (bless her soul, she so knows me!)

"What exactly are we trying to prove with this bet?" I asked her today.

"I dunno. The reason will make itself clear by time. Just go with it!" G says.

*shrugs* "Okay G, I will." I say.
I drew this yesterday. A friend gave me the title (The Raven and the Rose) and told me the raven could be holding the rose in it's beak or something. Too...stale =P

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Blogger NiGhTFaCe said...

If it was me, it will be easy for me to win this bet :p

March 9, 2008 at 8:44 PM  
Blogger Sara said...

Lol...that's coz your an exception to the rest of humanity =P

Am doing well so far, didn't forget once =D

March 10, 2008 at 11:52 PM  
Blogger Muggle said...

Still doing well in your bet :P? I wanna try it :P.

March 12, 2008 at 3:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have I missed something in this post? Or maybe it was one of the earlier ones? I'm having trouble absorbing the significance of this bet?!

Hey, how about I take you two ladies out for dinner (or lunch at uni, whatever rocks your boats), and you can become friends again?

March 16, 2008 at 6:22 AM  
Blogger Sara said...

me!: Me being scatterbrained for a week irritated G, hence leading to this bet. I'm still a bit confused on the reason to be honest but yeah *shrugs*

Lol, we're buds again don't worry =P But dinner still sounds good!

March 16, 2008 at 1:17 PM  

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