Tuesday, January 27, 2009

posted by Sara at

BBC = Biased Broadcasting Corporation

Incase you've missed it, BBC has been exposed as a Zionist "independent" news corporation.

The BBC’s director-general, Mark Thompson, refused to air the appeal due to risking compromising it's impartilaity. Well that explanation totally blew up in his face. Thompson is a long time friend of the Israeli Zionists. He met up with Ariel Sharon back in 2005 in order to build bridges between Israel and the BBC.

That Mark Thompson has been supporting Zionist leaders is no secret. In fact, Mark Thompson’s wife, Jane, is Jewish and a fanatic supporter of Zionist policies. Is Mark simply trying to appease his wife? If he is, then this has to be one of the most outrageous acts in the history of British media. The glaring disregard for human suffering, however, can only be explained by Mark Thompson’s close relationship with Israeli leaders. In 2005, Mr. Thompson broke all rules of independent journalism when he travelled to Jerusalem and met former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in order to “build bridges” between the BBC and Israel. This unprecedented move was not covered by Western media, but the Israeli press gave it significant importance
Shame really, the reputation of the BBC has been hit pretty hard by this incedent. Just another biased independent media outlet.

50 MPs and thousands of British Citzens (including Archbishop of York and Canterbury) complained and demanded for the BBC to air the appeal, but it's still a no go.

Here's the appeal that risked compromising the BBC's impartiality (or more like risk making Tzipi Livni statement of there being no Humanatrian Crisis in Gaza totall bullshit)

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